I treat conditions related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system, and joints of the body.
I do this using adjustments, rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture, Graston, modalities, and instrument aided adjustments.
The Chiropractic adjustment is a powerful tool, but it’s one of many and it’s not always appropriate. I do not always adjust patients, and only provide a given treatment when I believe it is in the best interest of the patient, and only with the patient’s express consent.
I am up to date on the latest evidence based care and participate in ongoing training to remain current.
Patients of all shapes, sizes and age groups are welcome. We treat everyone as individuals, with individual treatment needs and plans.
Our goals are to help you get better and return to your personal activities of daily living. For some patients this means a single visit, for others, longer term care.
Each patient knows his/her own body best, it’s my job to listen to what you tell me, and work with you to optimize your health.
I will do my best to find a clear diagnosis and give you a careful explanation of findings that you can understand.